When I Cook!

The Weekend Breakfast!
A lot of people are probably recovering from the after effects of drinking last night; y'know, having that 'Freaky Fri-Yay'. But, not me! Life's pretty slow now a days! Well to be honest, don't have the excessive funds to burn, like I used to.
So, here I am, cooking a weekend breakfast for myself.
"...breakfast's the most important meal of the day!", I have heard this over and over again through the years. I whipped up somethings that are not only easy-to-cook, but also filling and also the right  amount of sin-fully good!
An awesome track, this one - Night Time by Zita 


50g Mutton (boneless)
50g Chicken (boneless)
3 Eggs
3 slices of Bread
Refined cooking oil
1 teaspoon Red Chili powder
1 teaspoon Black Pepper powder
Coriander leaves
1/2 Tomato
1/2 Onion


Chop the onion, tomato & coriander leaves and whisk into 2 eggs with a pinch of salt.
Marinade the meat in salt & black-pepper powder.
Cut the white centers from the slices of bread, crush the whites to crumb and lightly toast the outer frame.
In a bowl whisk the remaining 1 egg with a pinch of salt & red-chili powder.


Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan and place the bread squares, pour the whisked eggs mixture. Allow the crust to form, reduce heat/flame and place lid on pan. Cook for 2 minutes, remove lid and flip the slice, press gently and flip again. Repeat process for the remaining bread squares.

Either with a kitchen-mallet or a rolling-pin, gently flatten the chunks of meat. 
Heat oil in a pan. 
Bring forth the red-chili powder whisked egg. Give each piece an egg-wash, followed by a coating of bread crumbs. Place the pieces on the pan, maintaining the heat/flame on high; flip the bit after 30 seconds. Press gently and flip again after 30 seconds.
Place lid on pan, reduce the flame/heat and allow to cook for 5-7 minutes; remove lid and flip the piece. Press gently, put the lid back on and cook for another minute.


Garnish with grated cheese and serve!
Choose your concoction; whether a hot cappuccino or a ice-cold latte! 
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